July 19, 2022

Maximizing Workplace Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Visual Communication

When it comes to workplace improvement, it is almost second nature to think of lean manufacturing tools like Kanban, Total Productive Maintenance, and 5S. These tools each provide a solid framework for targeted workplace improvement that results in significant improvements in efficiency and quality. Yet many companies find that improvements do not endure after the first couple of years.
July 19, 2022

Optimizing Facility Navigation: Mastering Wayfinding Systems

Wayfinding relies on a system of signs, signals, and other visual cues to shuttle users from "Point A" to "Point B" in the most efficient manner possible. If you're looking to develop a wayfinding system for your facility, you'll want to get familiar with the four types of signs at the heart of any good wayfinding system.
July 19, 2022

Enhancing Workplace Safety: An In-Depth Guide to Effective Safety Signage

Safety signage can play a critical role in promoting safety and preventing injuries. Many of us associate safety signs with basic “Warning” and “Caution” labels, but they can go beyond the immediate warnings to include hidden benefits that keep workers safe in a variety of conditions. From wayfinding to PPE, here are five ways safety signage helps workers.
July 19, 2022

Transforming Industrial Safety: Cutting-Edge Approaches to Effective Signage

A useful safety sign is seen, read and understood when it is needed most. It causes people to act in a manner that will keep them safe. Good design strategically uses text, images, and color to ensure that safety signs can be easily identified, read, and understood. 
July 19, 2022

Enhancing Workplace Safety: Optimizing the Use of Safety Signs

Safety signs are an essential part of any workplace safety program. They draw attention to important information, remind workers about hazards, and help prevent unsafe behavior. However, some common mistakes can make signs less effective or even cause them to be ignored completely. Mistakes include placing signs in the wrong place, using vague messages, and failing to maintain signs.
July 19, 2022

Enhancing Port Safety: Termont and EZSecur’s Advanced Lockout System for Mobile Equipment

This series of 3 articles describe the process Termont, a major Montreal port operator, went through to put together a major lockout solution for their more than 100 mobile equipment fleet, in collaboration with their partner Izimage.
July 19, 2022

Elevating Industrial Safety: Termont’s Innovative Mobile Lockout Box

Following the development of the sealed and unbreakable mobile lockout box prototype, Termont establish a deployment plan. In addition to the production of the boxes entrusted to Izimage, it was necessary to plan their installation, to adapt the operational procedures and to train the operators.
July 19, 2022

Enhancing Workplace Safety: Énergir’s Innovative Approach to Remote Site Management

From Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean to the US border lines, from the Laurentians to Beauce, ENERGIR are very well used to remote site maintenance operations. Énergir distribute 98% of natural gas in Québec through their nearly 10,000 km underground pipeline network, reaching more than 200,000 customers, including almost 8,000 industrial sites.
July 19, 2022

Streamlining Maintenance Operations: Cutting-Edge 5S Solutions

At Rio Tinto Fer et Titane, 5S is not just limited to clean workspace and nices shadow boards. Maintenance parts and consumables are also managed after the 5S spirit: each part at its place and in the required quantity, to facilitate maintenance operations and avoid unexpected shutdowns.